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VibesUp Tips

Always try to see the silver lining

Always try to see the silver lining

Always try to see the silver lining   Seeing the silver lining in everything is not always easy. Especially when the situation has cut me to the ...
Develop resilience to shaming

Develop resilience to shaming

 On route to living a more soulful life, be mindful of people in your peer group who may consciously or unconsciously shame you back into conformit...
How to conserve your own energy

How to conserve your own energy

  I have been naïve most of my life. Yes indeed, to situations and people draining my fuel and my energy. My love of life prevented any long-term ...
Express yourself

Express yourself

VibesUp tip: Put on your red shoes! Many of you have your song tucked under the bed in the dark. It's often that creative part of you too. It's tha...
Find your tribe

Find your tribe

#VibeUp tip 3. Find your choir/tribe - Not everyone can hear the song that you hear.  It's imperative to find communities singing from the same so...
Run in the Rain

Run in the Rain

VibesUp tip: Run in the rain! Not only is the water refreshing for the mind, body and soul, and washes away dense energies, you'll feel like a tota...